EC Department, BVM Engineering College

AI Based Covid-19 Detection by Lung Sounds

Created for your safety, by ~ Meha Dave, Rutvik Patel and Vaibhav Goel
Under the esteemed guidance of ~ Dr. Rajvirsinh Rana and Prof. Mayur Sevak

How to use this ? Use stethoscope-microphone for auscultating your lungs. For accurate results, breathe normally with mouth open, auscultate the lungs, making sure to auscultate the apices and middle and lower lung fields posteriorly, laterally and anteriorly.
Auscultation is listening to the internal sounds of the body, usually using a stethoscope. Auscultation is an important part of an assessment of the respiratory system and is also used for cardiac and gastrointestinal examination. Moreover, this technology can prove extremely useful in pandemics, for instance, it can detect the Coronavirus disease as well. This is a self-examination procedure. However, it should always form part of an holistic assessment and must be viewed alongside the patient’s clinical history.
Hearing the sound of your lung.........
Coarse Crackles :

Fine Crackles :

Rhonchi :

Vesicular Normal :

Wheezing :

Stridor :

Bronchial Breats